Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Progress Senior Project - 12/9/2009
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Progress Senior Project - 12/5/2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Progress Senior Project - 12/1/2009
- midi.note_on(channel=0, note=do)
- a3=57 (ลฺ)
- b3=59 (ทฺ)
- c3=60 (ด)
- d3=62 (ร)
- e3=64 (ม)
- f3=65 (ฟ)
- g3=67 (ซ)
- a4=69 (ล)
- b4=71 (ท)
- c4=72 (ดํ)
- d4=74 (รํ)
- e4=76 (มํ)
- f4=77 (ฟํ)
- g4=79 (ซํ)
- midi.update_time(time)
midi.note_on(channel, note)
midi.note_off(channel, note)
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Star map
Monday, September 28, 2009
Project Proposal
We have added some information about the OCR and MIDI theory. We also have the platform of reading Thai music notation too.
[download]Progress report[front page]:
Progress report:
2.1 Thai Music Notation Thai music notes can be represented by using symbols to define the voice manners. The 3 basic symbol sets consist of 1. Pitch of the note. 2. Duration of the note. 3. Other special symbols. 1) Pitch Pitch of Thai music is determined by 7 characters of Thai language plus pitch (.) which is placed below the characters to represent low voice, and the a high-point (.) which is placed over the characters to represent high voice as you can see in the table below.
Low voice
General Thai music voice
High voice
ดฺ (Low Dole)
ด (Dole)
ดํ (High Dole)
รฺ (Low Re)
ร (Re)
รํ (High Re)
มฺ (Low Me)
ม (Me)
มํ (High Me)
ฟฺ (Low Fa)
ฟ (Fa)
ฟํ (High Fa)
ซฺ (Low Sol)
ซ (Sol)
ซํ (High Sol)
ลฺ (Low La)
ล (La)
ลํ (High La)
ทฺ (Low Si)
ท (Si)
ทํ (High Si)
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
[SSC] Follow us
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
[Senior Project] OCR [1]
There is several ways to use image processing on OCR program, but we decided to use these 2 algorithms.
1. Blob Coloring
We are using Blob coloring technique for OCR. Once an image has been segmented into as number of regions using thresholding or another method, it is often useful to identify each of the connected components in the image. The process of assigning each distinct region unique identifiers is called blob coloring. Blob coloring program uses a simple recursive search algorithm to find all points connected a starting point. Several program options enable the user to search for white objects on black backgrounds or vice versa, and vary the definition of "connected" to use 4 neighbors or 8 neighbors. (But we use 4 neighbors)
Blob coloring algorithm has two passes. In the first pass, colors are assigned to image pixels by using 4 neighbors, L-shaped mask. Color equivalences are established and stored, when needed. In the second pass, the pixels of each connected region are labeled with a unique color by using the color equivalences obtained in the first pass.
After we have the color equivalences of all character, we draw the crop line of each character for define the character.
2. Matching with database
For the database character, we have 7 character of each tone and define the ration of width and height and group them by the result. (More than 1, 0-1, less than 1) Because it can simplify for compare with the scanned text.
After we have cropped character, for each character we find the ratio of width and height. When we have the ratio of scanned character, then we match the character with the database character in the same group of ratio. (From this algorithm, we can eliminate some character from database) After that, we use sum square error for recognize the most similar character between scanned texts and database.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
[Senior Project] Project Proposal
Nowadays, Thai musical Technologies are not released much, although many innovations are created, but most of them do not involve about Thai Cultural. Thus for promoting Thai Music to be known widely, we develop software for reading Thai Music Notation to facilitate users.
This project is created to facilitate for users who want to learn about Thai Music. Thai Music Notations is presented in form of Thai Characters. For program processing, program gets input in form of image file from scanning actual notations. After that, it will passed through Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to transform data to characters and display especially inform of sound by generating e and instruction sound to play the note following the songs.
OCR is a program that is developed to transform from images to characters. English version of OCR can recognize efficiency about 99%, but in Thai version still low integrity. This project is applied to be more useful apart from reading only Thai characters.
1. To apply the knowledge about OCR to implement project
2. To develop software to reading Thai Music Notation
3. To conserve Thai Cultural with using technologies
- PDF File>>
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Quality Management
Quality Management
About Quality
>Focus on product or service: ability to satisfy (ความพอใจ), requirement and expectations of customer
>Product quality-technical characteristics: Performance, reliability, durability, serviceability and conformance Styling, feeling, sound and even smell
.Service quality-process is its capability (ปริมาณ) to produce products or service
Product categories
- Goods
- Software
- Service
Quality Evolution
1. Before the industrial revolution; craftman and artisans > checking product obviously)
2. After the industrial Revolution; cuality is conformance to specification
Eli Whitney (ผู้ผลิต Cotton Gin) –proposed “interchangeable manufacture concept”
Frederick W. Taylor – improve industrial by using Taylor’s 4 principle of scientific management. Inspection had developed into a separate task perform by specialize inspectors.
3. After the World War II
Walter A. Shewhart; created a method for quality control (QC) for production using statistical methods
W.Edwards Deming; applied statistical process control methods in the war and successfully improving
2 major forces emerged that have had a profound (ลึกซึ้ง) on quality
- The Japanese revolution in quality- ก่อนหน้าสงครามโลก ทั่วโลกได้รู้ว่าสินค้าของญี่ปุ่นมีคุณภาพต่ำ ดังนั้น ญี่ปุ่นจึงต้องมีการพัฒนาสินค้าโดยการ
> The upper managers personally took charge of leading the revolution
> All levels and func. Received training in the quality disciplines(การฝึกฝน)
> Quality improvement projects were undertaken on a continuing basis at a revolutionary pace (มีการพัฒนาตลอดเวลา)
- The prominence of product quality in the public mind- สร้างลักษณะเดิ่นของสินค้า เช่น liability cases, concern about the environment and the awareness of the role of quality (พวกอาวุธ และการส่งสินค้าในเขตที่ไม่สงบ)
> ญี่ปุ่นจึงใช่ทฤษฏีต่างๆเช่นของ Shewhart, deming and Juran สำหรับพัฒนาเศรษฐกิจ
> นอกจากจะมีการพัฒนาการผลิตสินค้าด้วยวิธีทางเศรษฐกิจแล้ว ยังมีอีกกระบวนการหนึ่ง ได้ถูกคิดขึ้นมาด้วย ก็คือ Quality control หรือว่า Quality Assurance เพราะเนื่องจากว่า จะดูว่าใครทำงานดี จะต้องดูที่สินค้าที่ผลิตออกมา quality was a management responsibility
> Quality is customer satisfaction
Customer Satisfaction define
Product features have a major effect on sales income (คุณลักษณะของผลิตภัณฑ์) Freedom form deficiencies (ปราศจากข้อบกพร่อง)4. Globalization; Product-out concept to Market in concept
(Product out – Product, Market in – Customer)
พวกการใช้ q กับ Q โดย Q ใหญ่จะเป็นการมองหัวข้อ โดยรวมทั้งหมด เช่น product ก็จะดูทั้งหมดของ ที่มี เช่น goods, services หรือ Industries ก็จะดูพวก all industries; manufacturing, service, government whether for profit or not. และ q เล็ก จะมองแค่ส่วนเล็กๆ ย่อยๆ
1. External customer – รวมไปถึง intermediate processors; merchants, people who connection to the product; government regulatory bodies
2. Internal customer – divisions of company; components for an assembly but others that are affected
Quality of work life (QWL)
1. Needs: Work of employee
2. Expectations: SMP
- Safety
- Security
- Morale
- Labor Productivity
Quality of products (customer’s view)
1. Needs: Products; hardware, information, service
2. Expectations: QCS or QCD
- Quality of product
- Cost
- Schedule or delivery
Quality Management – Process of identifying and administering the activities needed to achieve.
- 2 component of manage> Planning, control
Quality trilogy> QP, QI, QC
1. Quality planning; activities necessary to define and specify the intended quality
- Product design, process design and manufacturing, engineering, process control, production inspection and test
2. Quality control; make sure that products meet all requirement
3. Quality improvement; identify improvement needs and opportunities to define and implement
ISO 9004:2000, QFD, Kaizen, Zero defect Program, Six Sigma, PDCA, Quality circle, Taguchi method etc. |
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
[Senior Project] Project Detail
Thai Music Notation Reader
Advisor Prof. Kurt Rudhal
Miss Patama Ranchune | Student ID 49270621 |
Miss Sitanan Nipatvaranan | Student ID 49270650 |
Thai Music Notation Reader is a program which is implemented for generating Thai Music Notation and transforms to sound. Initially,image processing is utilized in reading Thai Music Notation using OCR which will compare generated notations with the music notations in database.Afterthat, Thai Music sound which matchs with the notation will be played.
To explain Thai Music Notation Reader, we seperate basic information into 3 parts which are easy to understand.
§ Thai Music Notation Behavior
- Thai Music Notations are represented by 7 Thai characters. --> ด ร ม ฟ ซ ล ท (Do Re Me Fa Sol La Ti)
- Quadruple meter (4 accents) are used in separating.
- There are 3 ranks of sound speed (fast, normal and slow)that can define by small cup-shaped symbols called "Ching" accent.
- The octave tone defined by dot(.) behind and below the characters.
§ Program Functions
- Read notation in sequence using OCR.
- Define sound speed.
- Selects the musical sound.
- Selects the language (Thai/English)in user interface.
§ Optional
- Be able to use with USB MIDI controller.
- Be able to play serveral musics simutaneously.