When I got Hacked!
was just this morning, I woke up at 5:30 am as usual, took a bath,
check e-mail. Then I found that I was hacked and it charged from my
Credit card about 23k THB! (Around 600 Euro) Oh my god! I was like
stunning for 30 seconds. I got the receipt from Paypal and Skype for
purchasing Skype credit but I didn’t! It reduced my Paypal money 9
times and each time with 85.40 Euro!
My transaction last night |
I called my credit card provider to check is it true and yes, it
already in the bill! Oh my god! Then Costumer service transfer my
line to technical support (I guess) and complain that I didn’t do
any transaction please check! They asked me many question to make
sure and tell me that they will check and call me later. As you see from the picture, I think I was hacked by Chinese hacker for sure! They send me the information about Skype activities in Chinese and I don't understand! This morning
I was in hurry because I was in the line for so long and didn’t
feel the breakfast anymore. I slept all the way to work.
Email I got |
work place but my mind still thinking about the money. For your
information, I don’t have internet access on my computer at
workplace. So everything I have to done on my mobile phone.
contacted Paypal team about my problem via their web form once, and
then 10 minute later I realize that I might send with wrong type of
problem because I expect that they will have the auto reply email to
me but it didn’t. At that time I really want to make a call but the
nearest local was located at Singapore! I didn’t worry about speak
English but to call to Singapore so it means I have to use long
distance call isn’t it? No way! Email is okay.
Web form from Paypal |
What! Singapore,
that just notice that I didn’t contact with Skype yet! I was paid
from Skype, how can I forgot! I send my problem to Skype team and
they have auto reply email. Gosh!
Skype status |
Email from Paypal, they already review my account and suggest me to
cancel an automatic payment on merchant-to-merchant basis. Honestly,
I don’t even know what is it, but when I did on the steps, I found
that it was automatic payment! You don’t need to make a review
again if you do another transaction! That’s why I have like 9
transactions with the same amount! As I told you I never know about this function, it was shock because it show that I have active this activity since 2010! I think it was my first time buying Skype credit.
Automatic payment list
Merchant detail, it started from 2010, 2 years ago! Did they just hack me or they already plan since last 2 years? |
Email from Skype, they need me to verify that the payments are
genuine. So I need to have a live chat with agent to give them my
information. Then, I need to prepare the information such as my Skype
name, email address, Paypal email, transaction ID, etc.
taking a break, talking to my mother and crying, I’m ready to have
a live chat! I go to Skype chat room talking to Skype Staff, Mr. G.
He asked me the information about my name, my account, my email and
so on. He said it seems not usual compare with my previous
transaction. Then they transfer my chat to Skype-Paypal staff, for
specialize my problem. Then I talked with Mr. R. He just needed to
review my account and the previous chat with Mr. G. Then he said like
skype team already inspect my problem, I will got the email about the
billing cancellation as soon as possible and then I need to filling
the form about refunding from Paypal. We finished live chat around
12:30! Wow, It was time for lunch, I think I started to hungry.
Live chat with Mr. R, finally they can provide me a help :) |
finished my lunch early in order to get anything done. I got the
email from Skype about charge back my order so it means skype already
confirm that all transaction last night have
been made fraudulently. I filled the form about transaction
information and sent them to Paypal. Right after I send, I got the
email about investigating status. Paypal said skype has been asked to
provide more information about the transaction. During this time, I
cannot do any thing via paypal until they decided and then I'll got
the refund for the amount of the transaction. It was about 10 days
for investigate process. So I think I won't be the problem because I
already got the charged back email from skype. I hope I'll get my
refund soon. I have no money to pay for sure, I don't even have money
to buy stuff.
One (from 7) of the email from Paypal |
This is from Skype |
Note from this morning. Not only the basic information, I also prepare some vocabulary about money and privacy activities |
Wow! Finally! All done before the afternoon section, then I can concentrate to my work as usual.
To prevent this experience
Skype and Paypal suggested me to change my password and security question. Moreover, they suggested to use Antivirus too. I'm not really sure, I use Mac OS. - -" And I can't believe I got hacked! As firefox said, มันช่างน่าอับอายยิ่งนัก, Computer Engineering student got hacked!
Pay safe,
Patama R.
but not lease
got the phone call from my credit card provider! What! Don't you
think is it too late? The staff call me in order to ask for my email
address because she want to send me what should I do to about this
problem. She said, they provided Thai language for Thai customer (but
why they go to Singapore! Why do I need to use long distance call
while you have Thai language from Thai stuff! And this was really
make me upset, the email said for Thai language, I need to call
between 9am to 5pm but you called me at 4:48am! GOSH! I didn't
complain her about how late they are, they might have many thing to
do in order to email to paypal to check them for me. (- -”) because
I got the email that was the forword mail from paypal team which are
the same as I saw from the Paypal website except the have Thai
language. She told me if I already got the email please forward all
email to them to check and they will contact again if they got the
refund from Paypal and Skype.