

This is the result from the song Lao seang Tean (ลาวเสี่ยงเทียน), as you see, it nearly 100% correct but there are no rest sign (- -"). I try to fix it out. I think it should be the error from row segmentation because when i have only one line with no high dot, the result can run normally.

I nearly end (my life @_@) . It's too hard for me.
Today I try to use Hought transform to detect the circle of the image. It work quite weird today, maybe it's a human error. I'll explain more about this thing this evening. Bye G-nite.

PS here is the picture of the notation that make from my project. Actually, the midi file can read in any music notation reader....(How can I forgot this thing!!!) So this way I think making XML file is no need anymore! ^^
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