Friday, September 19, 2008

[HCL] Paper Prototype: "Cal-endar"

- -" well this's my second try to write this blog......

At first i try to access this website this week but it doesn't work at university's network because my friends can write the blog in time but i can't.

Paper Prototype: "Cal-endar"
It's the i-phone application that looks nice and simple to use.(Honestly I think I can't do well on iphone that so hard for me.) But If I want to edit the previous page, I can't find the back button.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

[HCI] emotion of robot

Why people would like to make the emotional robot (movie)?

First, I want to talk about the word 'robot'. It came from the Czech writer,Karel Čapek, that mean 'work' in there language. That shown, people want the robot to work for them. Most technology almost from the fiction or movie and most of the robot movies make the robot have the emotion. Why?

For my opinion, if people want the robot work for them, they should want the robot can response them immediately. So emotion is one of the best answer for this solution. People want to communicate with robot directly. Some people dream about living with robot, so a lot of movies show the robot can do a lot like human.

For example, the robot movies that can act like human is 'Bicentennial Man' (by Isaac Asimov). It's about the common house android that have an accident that make him can think like human. That show a lot of impossible act in robot like angry, love, like including want to be the normally human although lost the immortal of the robotic. (O_o) But it still have the smooth career out of the "Three raw of Robotic". That's pretty cool, I mean, when I looking for more information of this movie, it rarely show the negative comment of this movie.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

[HCI] Total Website

How many websites exist? How big is the World Wide Web?
From searching with , that show there are about 25,760,000,000 website in world wide web.
Patama Ramchune
49270621 CPE 3C

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

[HCI] Errors and Mental Models: Type of Errors


I think, one of the most error from user is type of error writing. Common user mistakes have been classified into seven types of error.

1) Accidental slips
The user may have deleted some words and may have forgotten to complete the sentence. For example, the absence of a fullstop at the end of the sentence, absence of some space between words, redundant commas etc. are ignored.

2) Spelling mistakes
A spelling mistake occurs when the user has typed the expected work so that one letter is redundant or missing or two neighbouring letters have been interchanged. For example, the user has typed "here" instead of "hear".

3) Article mistakes
For example, the user may have used "a" instead of "an" or "the".

4) Conversion mistakes
For example, the user may have not converted the active verb "break" to the past pariciple "broken".

5) Irregular verb mistakes
The user may have used the usual endding "-ed" to create the past participle of an irregular verb. For example, the user may have typed "stoped" instead of "stopped".

6) Noun mistakes
For example the user may have typed "duck" instead of "ducks".

7) Verb tense mistakes
For example the user may have typed "been" instead of "being".

For example if a user is given the sentence : "Alice brought flower" and the passive voice would be "Flowers were brought by Alice". However, if the user writes the sentence " Flowers were brought Alice",that mean "by" is missing.

Patama Ramchune
49270621 CPE 3C

Human-computer Interaction: Ergonomics and User Interfaces
By Hans-Jörg Bullinger, Jurgen Ziegler
Published 1999, page 659-660

Sunday, June 15, 2008

CPE 495 first blog

CPE 495

Now I'm on trip at USA. When I come back to Thailand, I will update my blog as soon as possible

Patama Ramchune