Tuesday, December 13, 2011

TGGS Building Opening Ceremony

TGGS Building Opening Ceremony on 30th November 2011. This is a very special occasion for KMUTNB. I had an opportunity to have an audience with royalty in that event. TGGS building Opening Ceremony by HRH. Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn. It's another moment of my life after my Graduate ceremony. After the building opening day, we have the TGGS open house to show many stuff that belong to each faculty from TGGS in order to show what we having so far, what is new technology that we are work on and including the guild for the prospective student who want to continue Higher education. find out more about the exhibition; http://www.ia.kmutnb.ac.th/doc/internews/doc20110914-01.pdf?docid=doc20110914-01 (the last page after the IASTE news.)
By the way, i wrote this blog for showing you my picture on the background of the newspaper, Dailynews, 2 December 2011 on page #5. I felt totally overwhelmed -even i just stay at the SSE booth and present nothing. :)

Can you see me? I am the girl who wear the black uniform. ^^

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Looping with Garage band

During the longggggg vacation in thailand (because of flood), I have a big free time to try some fun stuff with Garage band. One of my dream occupation is DJ(ing). I would love to make my own track, not just cover. I made some music when I was in Uni but it wasn't good. I invested in Midi controller to made music but all I can do with it was just playing like a piano. :P Now I know how to work with it, i'll try to make more track. Here are some experiment with garage band. I was very easy just drag and drop.

Soda POP
This song I called it "Soda Pop" I made it for my friends' game project. Soda pop is the name of my first performance in music school so this version is just remix. This one is not from Garage band, it was the default program of my midi controller.

Soda pop-Nuana by patamania

Underground Groove
This is my first original song called underground groove and this is what i call ตึ๊ดๆ but I don't like this song. The sound was very.... old fashion.
underground groove by patamania
Exotic Acrostic
It sound like a little bit asia, my friend said it suit me (LOL). I called it Exotic Acrostic because of the loop name. (LOL) And yep, it sound exotic to me too. This is my current fav song that i have made.

exotic acrostic by patamania
(WTHeck! i can' embedded this song by iframe)

3:1 This night
This one I want to try something ตึ๊ดๆ like dance song in the club, i found that the peak of the electronic song in the club is when the melody and tone was rose up so I put it twice (hahaha). I don't know how to called this song, so 3:1 was the score of football match that I watch that night, it was Thai-Indonesia match in SEA game.

3:1 this night by patamania

Next time I'll try more ตึ๊ดๆ and longer.
Enjoy ;)

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Software Engineering

I'll have the SE final exam this Friday. I have new method to walkthrough all the topic that i have learn from school, which is mind map! I always use mind map to implement my work, why I don't thinking about to use with studying. It was really save time, I can get all concept of the lecture (at least I'll know the entire topic :P - Hey! it's take time to improve, okay!) Then, today I made another mind map for Software Engineering subject, after finish ..... it didn't make me feel any happy! Why we have so much lecture just only 1 semester! Here is just an outline, not yet the detail! Fortunately, it's open book and open machine test. Wish me good luck!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Longest Common Subsequence (LCS)

This is the presentation for Efficient algorithm about Longest common subsequence.

What is LCS?
The longest common subsequence (LCS) problem is to find the longest subsequence common to all sequences in a set of sequences (often just two).

The application of LCS is for finding the common in text string meaning that sometime it used for checking that the code from 2 source are the same or not (so crew for copy, right?) or finding the common in DNA if you want to find if someone is your relative or not (LOL).

How to do this?
Follow my slide is okay (haha): https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B-Ls4RhAgiHeMThmYTYxOWQtZTdkZi00NDNjLWI0NDUtZTllMDY0Y2RhMTM3&hl=en_US
For the flash slide to see step by step: Click the arrow at the bottom to see the step
View on ShareSWF you can download from this link: https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B-Ls4RhAgiHeMmY5MDZmZjItYTRlOS00ZDI5LTk1ZWEtNTU2NTEyZmNkOWMx&hl=en_US

good luck (my way)


Today i'm gonna talk about my distributed technology study and my topic is Dropbox!

First I want to tell you that what will be present today, I'll introduce you to the what is dropbox, concept of Dropbox, How dropbox work and some sample of dropbox if we have time. You may have this kind of problem, like me today, i have to present but I have problem with computer and forgot my USB drive! then you may realize that you need a service that can provide you the resource and you can access anytime with any machine. Umm, kind of interested, isn't it? And that's why Drew Houston founded Dropbox in 2007 and officially launched at 2008 and become more popular in rapid period.

Well! you might want to know what is dropbox, right?
Dropbox is a web-based file hosting service. it uses cloud computing to enable user to store, like here if your computer have a problem like it's on fire or broken. it's no problem if you drop your file on dropbox. And you an share file and folder across the internet using file synchronization. Another feature is keep track, back up of your file, no matter you accident edit your file, you can see the log file here. (เปิดหน้าของ dropbox ให้ดู) And the cool things that i love are multiple OS, big storage (you know for free user, it's start from 2 GB! and you can add 250 MB if you invite other to join Dropbox) and because it can use by multiple format, that mean you can sharing or access the resource anytime, everywhere or whatever if it connected to internet.

Here i'll show you that dropbox can use for any format; window, ubuntu, mac, this is on my smart phone and here is via Dropbox webpage if you didn't install the application.

As I said, Dropbox uses cloud computing to enable user to store and share. Then I wanna tell you the overall image of cloud? I can't tell you more detail about cloud computing, in fact Thee will present us about cloud computer next week. what does it mean?

You know? The concept of cloud computing fills a perpetual need of IT: a way to increase capacity or add capabilities on the fly without investing in new infrastructure, training new personnel, or licensing new software. Cloud computing encompasses any subscription-based or pay-per-use service that, in real time over the Internet, extends IT's existing.
Advantage:scalable, paid only when needed and can be used by any device with a connection to the net directly or by using client programs. actually it can use offline, but the resource is from your computer, in fact, it's on your computer. i'll tell you later how it's work!
Other application: In face, there are another service apart of Dropbox such as Ubuntu one, Box.net, Zumodrive and so on. you know some service and provide more space but I present you the Dropbox because it's the popular one and it seems to be the most stable service now.

How does it work?
- First when you install dropbox application on your computer, one directory on your computer is designated as the drobpox.
- Files placed in the Dropbox are automatically synchronize to cloud. Changes propagate to other machine in your Dropbox network from the cloud.
- Once files are completely synchronized, a green checkbox appears on the bottom of the file or directory icon.

We know that Drop box is a service to share and to share need the client to synchronize. I would say it's intelligent synchronization.
- when files change, only the binary diff is transferred.
- Files are compressed as they travel over the internet.
- If two people modify the same file on separate machines, the first submitter wins. and the second submitter's file is also synchronized.

Where are the files stored?
- If you have installed the Dropbox desktop application, your files are stored both on your computer (in your Dropbox folder) and on Dropbox's secure online servers.
- All files stored online by Dropbox are encrypted and kept securely on Amazon's Simple Storage Service (S3) in multiple data Centers located across the United States.

What is Amazon Simple Storage Service? (Amazon S3)
Amazon S3 is storage for the Internet. It is designed to make web-scale computing easier for developers.

Amazon S3 provides a simple web services interface that can be used to store and retrieve any amount of data, at any time, from anywhere on the web. It gives any developer access to the same highly scalable, reliable, secure, fast, inexpensive infrastructure that Amazon uses to run its own global network of web sites. The service aims to maximize benefits of scale and to pass those benefits on to developers.

Dropbox can be used profitably for distributed evolutionary algorithms, without the need to acquire or set up complicated cloud or grid infrastructure; besides,
Using tools available in every classroom,lab, office or home and freely available over the internet with a good scaling behavior can be set up to perform heavy-duty evolutionary computation experiment.

Here is my presentation for the class: https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B-Ls4RhAgiHeOWU4NTI2YzQtMzgyNS00MTRhLWIyZDItNGQ0YTA5OGRlMjcy&hl=en_US

Advance Note Application

One of the project that i have to finish is Android application. Honestly, ​I didn't do much on coding. This subject was quite interested (i would say that). My team mate is from Vietnam, really great student. :)

Nowadays, it’s unarguable that Smartphone have great potential to be a media tool of choice allowing more interactive and useful in many way. Providing their mobile attribute, useful function and flexibility input (fingertip or voice) is very meaningful. The possibility of applying mobile application is unlimited. As a result of the usefulness of Smartphone, disability people such as blind people also needed to perform normal things on their lives. Realizing in such potential, we are planning to put our effort on the Android Smartphone which is very extensive and easy to implement and provide access to information for people who cannot perform normal thing on Smartphone by using voice input. One of useful application which is very well knows and use widely is every device of all time is Note taking. Computers, particularly tablet PCs and personal digital assistants (PDAs) are beginning to see wide use as note talking devices. It is the way of recording information captured from transient source and it is important for remember and implant the material in the mind.

  1. Add Note
    1. Add title
    2. Add content
    3. Select language
    4. Select type of alarm
    5. Select time for alarm
    6. Select date for alarm
  2. Two type of alarm:
    1. Text to speech: English and German
    2. Notification by sound
  3. Show list of note order by date
  4. Edit note
  5. Delete note
    1. Delete selected note
    2. Delete all note
  6. Application setting
    1. Alarm setting
      1. Repeat time
      2. Time to alarm
      3. Frequency
    2. Background color setting

Example of Advance Note Application's interface

Project document: https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0B-Ls4RhAgiHeMzkyYzE4OTYtMTNiYS00NjdlLTgwOTItYzc5MDQzYjVjMjU3&hl=en
Project Presentation: https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B-Ls4RhAgiHeYTZlZDE3YzgtM2U3MS00MmI0LThkNzEtNWEyMjkwNTUxNTM3&hl=en_US

Test case
We also have to present about test case of our project for Software Engineering, we have test every test case (That we can imaging :D)

Here is the list that we test: https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B-Ls4RhAgiHeZTMxZjBhZWMtZDBhNy00ZTI4LWE2Y2MtODMxYThkNWEyYTcz&hl=en_US
Test case presentation: https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B-Ls4RhAgiHeN2QyN2U2MzYtM2YyYS00NTdmLWE3ZmUtMzdhMzE0YzQwYzUx&hl=en_US

PS. Actually, at first my project is going to be like show the attractive place for the traveller. It's name 'Aun  know the plan'. (Really cool name, I like it) It's show the attractive place with google map and try to route the way from place to place to the user. Then they can check in and share with their friends via Facebook,  Twitter or Google+. But my team mate told me that, to work on google map is more difficult, so we select the Note taking and speech stuff. You know what? Then in few weeks I saw this news: http://www.phonearena.com/news/Google-employee-proposal-involves-Maps-plus-custom-Android-app-and-scores-a-yes_id21878

Feeeeeewwwwwww :)


Dear all,
It's almost 3 month that i started master's degree in field of Software System Engineering. The studying is not going quite well for me. I have too much work from both workplace and university. Actually, work from workplace was not that much but Master's degree need more concentrate and hard work than i expected. I would say I didn't do well in this semester, I don't understand the lecture, i would blame it on me, the subject was not so interested for me. I don't like the subjects like distribute system or network stuff which I couldn't imagine what the result should be. It's like something in the cloud that i couldn't touch.

Good luck for all,

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Heap sort

Hi, This morning I have to present about one of sorting algorithm. The algorithm that i selected was Heap sort. Why? Cuz this is the only one I can remember since I studied when i was freshmen. All I can remember is, there are binary tree that we can use for sorting algorithm. Then, it's Heap sort.
Here is my simple video to show you how heap sort working, I use Max-Heap method to show you how it's work. Hope you like it.

Here is my presentation file: https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B-Ls4RhAgiHeNDVkMzI4NDYtMDM1Zi00M2MwLThjN2MtMGJlZGZhYzg3YTQ2&hl=en_US&authkey=CJywhZgO

Master Degree

Dear all,
Long time no blog ;)
I would like to announce to you, my follower, now I got a full scholarship at Thai-German Graduated school. Now I'm doing Master degree in field of Software System Engineering. (How could i.....)

Now we already started lecture for 3 weeks. Let's see how could I manage work and study together. T^T


Friday, May 27, 2011

Teacher view

As my work was on Learning Environment. So we have to co-op. with teachers in university to make sure what they want or other suggestion. This week, I had chance to talk with some teachers in university some was my teacher when i was in uni. yeah! teacher view, that's why I really feel very sorry to every teacher that i behaved not so good in the past. In fact, since i was student in uni it skipped only one time when i was in first year.
When you look at teacher view, it's very different from student view. Teacher try so hard for perform in the classroom, student try so hard to have extra class (before exam). (LOL) But some problem that teacher mention in the meeting, I can explain why we can't do as teacher wish (yeah just thought, I will never make any excuse for that case cuz I never did that.)
Example? Yeah, my teacher mention about the whole student that agree to skip the class to work on other homework. I would say, that's extra class, we have right to did other work, we need time to work before the class in REAL schedule. (I didn't say that, it's just the though for excuse)
That was fun, can't wait for the next meeting (hehe).

Friday, March 18, 2011

Team Member

Team Member, can you find me? :)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Team trip

Last Saturday, my team had a little trip to Amphawa-Samutsongkram as know as Amphawa Evening Floating Market. We start the trip at 9.30 am, so late from the schedule.
The first place we had visited was "Wat Phetsamut voraviharn" (วัดเพชรสมุทรวรวิหาร) as know as Wat hluang por ban hlam(วัดหลวงพ่อบ้านแหลม).

Lots of people coming here for pray respect and pray for a wish cuz here was famous for making the wish come true. (Then I ask for xxxxx-cencer hehe)

After that we stop at Rama II Memorial Park, that was really nice place and we take lots of really nice picture. Here it shows lots of stuff in ancient ages such as house, food, instrument etc.
Thai ancient house

At the Garden

Then we were heading to Wat Bang kung, where well known as temple in the tree no no but the temple(the buddhist sanctuary-ubosot) is covered by the tree-Bunyan tree, and here was the military camp in Thonburi era it has a lot of statue of Thai boxing and fighting cock (since King of Thonburi love fighting cock, so if the people pray for wish and it achieved, they will pray respect to the king by fighting cock statue).
And yes, the travel spot of the trip, Floating Market. It was not the same any more. I would say they developed a lot and that was really good. I'll come back again to see fire fly at the end of rain season. :)

You can see our trip's video here but it's just a first part, the second part will be coming soon:

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Learning Environment series1

Now i have to work on project Learning Environment which is a very huge project in my University. My main responsibilities is doing promote things such as Video or Facebook (yeah, commercial). Now we have the premier video for this series. Here is "What is Learning Environment? 1"

Storyboard and Animation by: ITS-DS Team
Music: Alfie by Lily Allen

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Behind scene

Hi! welcome back to LMS video introduction number 2.

Hey, just kidding, this morning we just finished recording video about LMS introduction. It's quite excited for everyone especially for me. Because this is the first official video I've managed. Thank you everybody for making happen. I'm sure we'll see the final cut soon.
Here is one of my (behind) scene, record from my friend camera. It's quite.....nice :) (yeah, doesn't mean any proud of myself but it's look funny, isn't it)
