Monday, March 12, 2012

TGGS-Vehicle model

Today I just finished presentation for my software lab project. My project was about making demo and manual document for the TGGS-Vehicle that we got from Aachen university. 
The vehicle is the way we learn about micro controller, we use vehicle in order to implement with another component like motor, servo, sensors and so on that you can implement with the car. ;) The micro controller we use was AT90CAN128 from Atmel and program with AVR studio using C language and AVR library. 

I provided all information needed such as AVR tutorial, Embedded concepts, equipment data sheet, demo and source code. I hope you find something interested from my google site;
I also made the demo for this project; 

Actually, I plan to download all page to TGGS' server but we need to wait for the database configuration stuff for put all document there. 
Patama ;)