Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Change or Die

I just resigned from my work at KMUTT library last month (The end of April) because I need to continue my Master's Degree by join the internship for at least 4 months. I worked almost one and a half year here. There are many things that made me improve my skill for both human relation and technical skill.
My previous works are related to Education Development. As KMUTT is university of technology, so we try to use and develop our own learning community system.
My last project here was called "KMUTT Cluster for Education Development (C4ED)". KMUTT Education Development Structure response to the commitment to quality, we focus on the educational system, framework, process and people to bring about innovative learning solution that remain relevant and responsive in changing times. To sum up, we try to improve our teaching and learning method by provide training, support or related development activities for student and teacher, designed the course, the curriculum for student (KMUTT QF) and try to encouraged everyone to be our part.
As a programmer here, our team did the research about the curriculum for Engineering study, how IT media can improve the learning, develop our own Learning Management System and any thing related to technology including build up the public relation website or Facebook Fan page. I made some video for introduce the LMS, you can see from my previous blog (with tag: Learning Environment). The last event was called "Change or Die". We organize this event for introduce the alternative way to use technology for learning, show the teacher about student views, discuss about how we can improve our learning. I didn't join the seminar, I was just a staff. In this event, we showed how we can use technology for learning by using gadget so I reposed to install learning application for Android.
As I told you that I have made some video for this project, so when I saw myself here, I was so embarrassed.
The photo is from this video:
Board presentation
C4ED website: 

Facebook Timeline

Just finish edited my Facebook profile page. How was it!
I heard many people complain about new version of Facebook. Honestly, I didn't like it at first (I changed to timeline since it was available for developer), but before i used it for a month I found it was really awesome! I think many people just didn't used to it. It takes time. :P

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Sudoku cheat

Hi, long time no blog! I just realize that I already had an awesome model to cheat the sudoku game. Last month, I bought the puzzle book to prove that my model wasn't wrong (actually, i'm think about won the price by cheating, lol). My project was about sudoku solving model from optimization method subject, I have to model and doing research about sudoku, what is the model, what's the different between using IP and CP, how was bigger problems, how was another rule of sudoku... etc. Actually my grade was not good, I got B+ with 79 points (- -") but i would say that the project introduce me how to model with IBM iLOG, knowing about sudoku in deep and it was fun to work with the game i like. ;) But my document still needs to improve.

Sudoku is a number placement puzzle based on logic rather than mathematics. Sudoku gained worldwide popularity in early 2005 and began selling in the form of puzzle books, handheld electronic versions and board games, as well as appearing in thousands of daily newspapers.

The concept of Sudoku is simple. The puzzle consists of a 9x9 square grid that is divided into nine 3x3 squares, resulting in nine rows and nine columns, for a total of 81 small squares. The unsolved Sudoku puzzle supplies only a few numbers in random squares.

To solve the puzzle, the remaining squares must be filled in with the numbers 1 through 9, each appearing only once in each row, column and 3x3 square.

There are more informations, model for both IP and CP and some another rules of sudoku, you can find out from my document
My project document:
My project presentation:

Actually, I already record my video when i was using my model to solve the puzzle from the book but I'm too lazy to edit the video. But it works for all puzzle from the book! (of course!) I'll show you later if I have time to edit it.